Jesus wasn't born for people who have it all together.
A stillborn child. A strained marriage. Feelings of shame.
Legalism. Loss. Loneliness.
He was born for those who have nothing.
Wherever you find yourself at the end of another unusually trying and tumultuous year, remember that a Savior has been born, who is Christ the Lord.
So come. See what your God has done.
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HT: Bob Kauflin from Sovereign Grace
Watch the video above and see people processing the song, O Come, All You Unfaithful, in light of their own experiences. The song's lyrics are powerful and profound, and the people's relatable reactions in the video are compelling.
What lyrics were most meaningful to you? To which face did you relate the most? What experiences have you had that make the message of this song connect to you?
What others are saying
“Thank you for reminding us that none of us are faithful but that Jesus is infinitely faithful. It’s beautiful to watch emotions displayed that we can all relate to. Glory to Jesus for being the healing balm that we all need!”
— Coni