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Which Covenant is the Most Important?

Are you faithfully walking the covenant path?


Parable of the Ten Virgins

Jesus’ parable of the Ten Virgins is a stern warning to be ready. Don’t roll the dice; your eternity is far too important to gamble on. Don’t hope you’re good enough; asking God to judge us on our imperfect record would be terrifying.


Parable of the Talents

The parable of the talents encourages us to be faithful in the use of the gifts God has given as a thankful response to his love.


Parable of the Sheep and the Goats

Jesus describes judgment day with various illustrations. Learn what he meant by the parable of the sheep and the goats found in Matthew 25.


Is My Best Enough?

People inevitably reflect and wonder where they stand with God. What grade would he give you? Have you done enough?


How Do I Work Out My Salvation?

What does Paul mean in Philippians 2:12-13 when he writes to work out your salvation with fear and trembling?


What is the Relationship Between Faith and Works?

Does the Bible’s mention of works contradict salvation by grace alone?


Salvation Depends on Our Believing – Not Our Doing

What does it mean to believe in Jesus? It simply means looking to Jesus for salvation to receive eternal life.


Do you feel distant from God?

Do you try to hide from God because you fear what he will say or do? Or have you wandered away from him over time and hesitate to get back into his good graces because of the work involved?


Your Relationship with Heavenly Father

Where does your relationship with Heavenly Father stand? Start out by evaluating your relationship with Jesus.

Discover God's love for you.

Free Bible Study

How do you view God?

A stern judge? An example to follow? A tolerant grandfather?

We all have different views of God. In our free Bible study, you will discover who God really is, the amazing gifts he's given us and what that really means for our lives, even today.