Sometimes it all comes down to who you know. Networking can be as important as education to land you that job. If you have a connected friend, they could get you a backstage pass or a photo with a celebrity. Knowing the right person gives you access.
The Barrier…
Ultimately, everyone wants access to God. Some claim it’s easy, yet people have been trying down through the ages. The problem of our sin is serious. Like a wall, it separates us from God. For this reason, God does not hear the prayers of an unbeliever. “Your iniquities have separated you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear” (Isaiah 59:2). Even a single sin creates an impossible obstacle for us to overcome (See James 2:10).
During Old Testament times, there were constant sacrifices carried out at the tabernacle and temple. The Most Holy place was where God manifested his presence on earth. Access was extremely restricted, and the threat of death hung over any who approached God in an unworthy manner. Sacrifice was required. The ritual spilling of blood was a vivid reminder of the cost of sin. Life had to be paid to remove the wall of sin. Yet, the blood of animals was insufficient.
God remained quarantined behind the veil. You still couldn’t enter his presence.
We needed an insider who could get us access.
So, Jesus came down from heaven (John 1:14). He had direct access to the Father. Having never sinned once, the Lamb of God was flawless. He was the perfect sacrifice that the world needed. His blood alone had the power to remove that wall of sin. And it did.
See Also: What does the Atonement Mean?
…Is Removed
At the moment of Jesus’ death, something amazing happened. “And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom” (Matthew 27:51). This temple veil was sixty feet tall, thirty feet wide, and four inches thick. Human strength couldn’t tear it. It’s clear from the direction of the tear, from top to bottom, that God’s supernatural power removed this barrier. The sacrificial death of Jesus removed the wall of sin. Now we have direct access to God.
God isn’t just accessible for you to plead your case before him someday. If that were true, the veil would remain until judgment day. Instead, Jesus won direct access to God for you right now by removing the wall of sin. God now credits believers with Jesus’ flawless record. Nothing can separate you from God’s love. Not now. Not ever. You don’t have to see him as a distant judge but as a loving Father who welcomes you to come in at any time. This direct access continues into eternity.
Use It!
Imagine a friend hands you a key to the Oval Office, giving you an open door to the president at any time. How would he feel if you never used it? Probably hurt. How would he feel if you didn’t believe the key was real, so you kept trying to break in on your own? Probably angry.
Jesus gave us access to something far greater. He opened the door to Heavenly Father. One of the best ways you can thank Jesus is by using it. “Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus…let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith” (Hebrews 10:19,22).
God wants you to “enter” his presence and “draw near” with “boldness” and “full assurance.” There is no need to doubt that access or timidly try to gain access through some backdoor. Thank God by boldly walking through the front door with Jesus as your key. Complete confidence means you can look forward to judgment day, knowing the door to living eternally with Heavenly Father has already been opened.
One of the best ways to approach God is through prayer, a privilege provided to believers. God encourages us to use it frequently: “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonian 5:17). He provides this access so we can turn to him in any trouble. “In every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” (Philippians 4:6). God promises to hear our prayers and answer them (John 16:23). Prayer is also a great way to thank and praise God.
It all comes down to who you know. When you know and trust in Jesus, you’re in! You now have direct access to God. Use it!

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