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How can I be sure I’ll avoid outer darkness?
Some people will say that they are physically healthy because they feel good. But a doctor wouldn’t base his answer just on how a person felt. He would give them a thorough check-up.

Does James 2:24 teach that works are necessary for salvation?
James 2:24 seems to clearly state that works play a part in a person’s salvation. But context is critical.

Can you have faith without works?
Admittedly, the thought that Christ did everything to make us acceptable to God and we don’t do anything violently clashes with what we naturally think.

Did Heavenly Father give us salvation or a plan of salvation?
Many agree that Jesus is the Savior. But there is considerable confusion about what that means.

Can a Gift be Earned?
Do the messages of Santa and Jesus have anything in common? Why do you give gifts to people you love?
Discover God's love for you.
Free Bible Study
How do you view God?
A stern judge? An example to follow? A tolerant grandfather?
We all have different views of God. In our free Bible study, you will discover who God really is, the amazing gifts he's given us and what that really means for our lives, even today.