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Who Will Live with Heavenly Father?
Jesus didn’t come to earth so you might hope to have a reconciled relationship with God. He came to provide a complete rescue so you would have certainty.

Is Heaven Cheering You On?
Did you know there is a cheering section in heaven? Though we can’t see them, you can picture them on the sidelines shouting encouragements along the way.

Is it OK to Ask Questions About God?
People, during the course of their lives, will struggle with different doubts. What is most important is what you do with them.

What is the Bible?
The Bible is an amazing collection of 66 books recorded over sixteen centuries by over forty writers.

Which Bible Translation Should I Use?
The Bible was not originally written in a language that most people can read. Therefore, most people need to read from a translation to understand the Bible.

What is the Purpose of God’s Law?
God’s law serves as his standard for access into his presence. We must be holy to live eternally with Heavenly Father. How can we do this?

Can a Loving God Send Someone to Hell?
Some would like to believe hell could not exist if God is loving. On the contrary, hell exists because of God’s love. What does this mean?
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