About Eternal Life
Are you sure if you'll live eternally with Heavenly Father? Are you ready for Judgment Day?
Explore the questions below to get answers.

Who Will Live with Heavenly Father?
Jesus didn’t come to earth so you might hope to have a reconciled relationship with God. He came to provide a complete rescue so you would have certainty.

Is Heaven Cheering You On?
Did you know there is a cheering section in heaven? Though we can’t see them, you can picture them on the sidelines shouting encouragements along the way.

What will happen to you on Judgment Day?
When you stand before God, will you point to your own righteous character or Christ’s righteousness?

What is Repentance?
Since repentance is so prominent in Scripture, many ask, “Have I repented enough?” Unfortunately, this is the wrong question to ask because it is rooted in a misunderstanding of repentance. So, what is repentance?

Do My Works Mean Anything for My Salvation?
God’s holiness is like strong radiation. His holiness constantly radiates out from him. By its very nature, it destroys anything imperfect with which it comes into contact.

Does James 2:24 teach that works are necessary for salvation?
James 2:24 seems to clearly state that works play a part in a person’s salvation. But context is critical.

Can you have faith without works?
Admittedly, the thought that Christ did everything to make us acceptable to God and we don’t do anything violently clashes with what we naturally think.
Do you have a question?
Do you have a question about Jesus you'd like to know the answer to? We'd love to connect with you.